Friday, May 14, 2010

How to Make an 8-Pointed Star

I came across an easy pattern to make an 8-pointed star and thought I'd share. You can make them as big or small as you want. They make great pinkeeps, pillows and ornaments.

Take a square piece of paper and fold in half. Fold in half again. Turn diagonally and fold point to point.

Holding the folded end, cut the top diagonally to resemble a diamond shape.

And there you have it.


  1. Will you have some for sale for those of us who can't fold paper? They would be great Memorial Day/Fourth of July ornies.

  2. Haha! Just listed a star pincushion in my Etsy shop. Will try to get some ornies on Ebay soon!

  3. Thanks always for the great tips...

    My Best~Marilyn

  4. Thank you for sharing the "how to" on the star. What fun!
